Sunday, May 3, 2015


Discontinuing or outlawing the use of plastic bags seems to be an obvious benefit to the environment and such action may seem sure to promote sustainability.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency:

·         Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment.
·         Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.
·         Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment.


1.       Characterize state campaigns to ban plastic bags in US
2.       Compare views about plastic bag usage
3.       Interpret a scientific publication comparing the life cycle of plastic bags and their impact on the environment
4.       Compare the US campaign (for and against) with four other countries


What to submit on your blog:
·         Headings A, B, C, D, and E with questions answered.

A.      Think about your opinion about the use of plastic bags for most purposes. Answer these questions.

1.       Why do you think this way? Have you ever read any scientific studies on the environmental impact of different types of “carry bags?” I don’t think it is a good idea to use plastic bags to carry groceries. Plastic unless recycled will stay in a landfill and is not good for the environment. I have read many different articles on carry bags and Styrofoam and how it is truly a menace to the environment.

2.       Does your thinking mostly reflect that of most of the people in your circle of friends and family?
Yes it does reflect most of the people I know, we try to recycle as much as we can. Even the company I work for is trying to be more green and we have had to take courses through the company to help us become more green.

3.       In what type of bag do you usually carry your merchandise home? Why?
I normally try to bring bags that I have purchased to the grocery store so I won’t have to use their plastic bags.

B.      Read the articles under the “Articles In Favor of Ban on Plastic Bags” heading. Do further research, if you are interested. If you write using other sources, remember to cite them.

1.       Summarize at least three arguments (three total) made in these sources in support of banning plastic bags in most circumstances.
In California they placed a ban on plastic bags for several reasons one is because the plastic bags are polluting the oceans and it costs the taxpayers millions to clean up the oceans. Their recycle plants are being damaged due to the plastic bags jamming up their machines. In Michigan it is said that you can’t drive anywhere without seeing plastic bags hanging from the trees and it cost $15 per man hour to cean the litter up.

2.       Does this information reinforce or contradict your opinion? How?
It does reinforce my stance on plastic bags. They are a menace to the environment and people do you to find an alternative like material or paper bags.

3.       How is the reasoning supported scientifically? Give two examples.
It is supported scientifically in California 267 species have been adversely affected due to the litter of plastic bags.

4.       List two exceptions to the plastic bag ban in Austin.

The two exceptions to the ban in Austin are paper bags made of 40% recycled content with handles and cloth or another type of reusable bag made out of durable material.

C.      Read the articles under the “Articles Against Ban on Plastic Bags” heading. Do further research, if you are interested. If you write using other sources, remember to cite them.

1.       Summarize at least five arguments (five total) made in these sources in support of “banning the ban” in most circumstances.
                In support of banning the ban studies in Europe and North America show that conventional plastic bags are better for the environment that paper. They have a lower carbon footprint. They have lower global warming potential.  You can recycle the plastic bags. Banning  plastic bags would put thousands out of work.

2.       How is the reasoning supported scientifically? Give two examples.

The UK Environment agency did a study and found that the conventional plastic shopping bag outperformed all alternatives and had lower global warming potential.

3.       Explain how this information reinforces or contradicts your opinion/view. Give an example.
                 It contradicts my opinion because the fact is they are not biodegradable as they are plastic and plastic does not just go away. It would be like throwing a Barbie doll in a landfill thinking it will be reabsorbed into the ground. It doesn’t happen!

D.      Read or skim the Scientific Research Paper. Be sure to read the summary and study Figures 5.3 and 5.6.

1.       Summarize six findings of the United Kingdom Environmental Agency publication.

The findings are that all bags basically have some impact on the environment due to the production of them. In order for them to not have such an impact on the environment they would have to be reused many times. Using the bags to line trash cans is more beneficial than recycling. The starch polyester bags have more of an impact on global warming. The paper bags need to be used at least 4 times and cotton bags need to be used 131 times to ensure they have less of an impact on global warming. Recycling or composting generally produce, only a small reduction in global warming potential and abiotic depletion

2.       State three items that surprised you.
 Three items that surprised me is that I thought a paper
 bag would be better for the environment but I did not take into account the production of them and what it does to the environment. I found it interesting that one would have to use a cotton bag 131 times to make a lower impact on the environment, I am not sure they even last that long. I was surprised that composting and recycling is not as effective as I thought or have read about.

E.       Revisit All About Bags, Bags Around the World (

1.       In your own words, state four countries’ (besides US) bag usage.

        In Belgium, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands have all imposed a fee for the use of plastic bags. These countries are very committed to recycling and the fee offsets the cost for the recyclers.