Sunday, May 3, 2015


Discontinuing or outlawing the use of plastic bags seems to be an obvious benefit to the environment and such action may seem sure to promote sustainability.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency:

·         Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment.
·         Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.
·         Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment.


1.       Characterize state campaigns to ban plastic bags in US
2.       Compare views about plastic bag usage
3.       Interpret a scientific publication comparing the life cycle of plastic bags and their impact on the environment
4.       Compare the US campaign (for and against) with four other countries


What to submit on your blog:
·         Headings A, B, C, D, and E with questions answered.

A.      Think about your opinion about the use of plastic bags for most purposes. Answer these questions.

1.       Why do you think this way? Have you ever read any scientific studies on the environmental impact of different types of “carry bags?” I don’t think it is a good idea to use plastic bags to carry groceries. Plastic unless recycled will stay in a landfill and is not good for the environment. I have read many different articles on carry bags and Styrofoam and how it is truly a menace to the environment.

2.       Does your thinking mostly reflect that of most of the people in your circle of friends and family?
Yes it does reflect most of the people I know, we try to recycle as much as we can. Even the company I work for is trying to be more green and we have had to take courses through the company to help us become more green.

3.       In what type of bag do you usually carry your merchandise home? Why?
I normally try to bring bags that I have purchased to the grocery store so I won’t have to use their plastic bags.

B.      Read the articles under the “Articles In Favor of Ban on Plastic Bags” heading. Do further research, if you are interested. If you write using other sources, remember to cite them.

1.       Summarize at least three arguments (three total) made in these sources in support of banning plastic bags in most circumstances.
In California they placed a ban on plastic bags for several reasons one is because the plastic bags are polluting the oceans and it costs the taxpayers millions to clean up the oceans. Their recycle plants are being damaged due to the plastic bags jamming up their machines. In Michigan it is said that you can’t drive anywhere without seeing plastic bags hanging from the trees and it cost $15 per man hour to cean the litter up.

2.       Does this information reinforce or contradict your opinion? How?
It does reinforce my stance on plastic bags. They are a menace to the environment and people do you to find an alternative like material or paper bags.

3.       How is the reasoning supported scientifically? Give two examples.
It is supported scientifically in California 267 species have been adversely affected due to the litter of plastic bags.

4.       List two exceptions to the plastic bag ban in Austin.

The two exceptions to the ban in Austin are paper bags made of 40% recycled content with handles and cloth or another type of reusable bag made out of durable material.

C.      Read the articles under the “Articles Against Ban on Plastic Bags” heading. Do further research, if you are interested. If you write using other sources, remember to cite them.

1.       Summarize at least five arguments (five total) made in these sources in support of “banning the ban” in most circumstances.
                In support of banning the ban studies in Europe and North America show that conventional plastic bags are better for the environment that paper. They have a lower carbon footprint. They have lower global warming potential.  You can recycle the plastic bags. Banning  plastic bags would put thousands out of work.

2.       How is the reasoning supported scientifically? Give two examples.

The UK Environment agency did a study and found that the conventional plastic shopping bag outperformed all alternatives and had lower global warming potential.

3.       Explain how this information reinforces or contradicts your opinion/view. Give an example.
                 It contradicts my opinion because the fact is they are not biodegradable as they are plastic and plastic does not just go away. It would be like throwing a Barbie doll in a landfill thinking it will be reabsorbed into the ground. It doesn’t happen!

D.      Read or skim the Scientific Research Paper. Be sure to read the summary and study Figures 5.3 and 5.6.

1.       Summarize six findings of the United Kingdom Environmental Agency publication.

The findings are that all bags basically have some impact on the environment due to the production of them. In order for them to not have such an impact on the environment they would have to be reused many times. Using the bags to line trash cans is more beneficial than recycling. The starch polyester bags have more of an impact on global warming. The paper bags need to be used at least 4 times and cotton bags need to be used 131 times to ensure they have less of an impact on global warming. Recycling or composting generally produce, only a small reduction in global warming potential and abiotic depletion

2.       State three items that surprised you.
 Three items that surprised me is that I thought a paper
 bag would be better for the environment but I did not take into account the production of them and what it does to the environment. I found it interesting that one would have to use a cotton bag 131 times to make a lower impact on the environment, I am not sure they even last that long. I was surprised that composting and recycling is not as effective as I thought or have read about.

E.       Revisit All About Bags, Bags Around the World (

1.       In your own words, state four countries’ (besides US) bag usage.

        In Belgium, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands have all imposed a fee for the use of plastic bags. These countries are very committed to recycling and the fee offsets the cost for the recyclers.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

“Comparing Hominid Skulls” Lab



Monday, April 13, 2015

Name: Jennifer Cicchini

One of the facts of life involves the different types of offspring that can be produced as a result of sexual reproduction. Offspring may have traits of one parent, both parents, or neither parent. This depends upon the genes the offspring receive from the parents.  In order to determine the probable appearance of an offspring, we must first know something about the parents. What genes do they possess? We must know what possible genes can be found in the gametes of each parent and the possible ways these genes may combine during fertilization.

In today's lab, your goal will be to learn how to solve genetics problems. First, here are some terms for easy reference:

Phenotype - The physical appearance of an organism.
Genotype - The genes of an organism.
Allele - One of two or more forms of the same gene.
Locus - A specific location on a chromosome where a gene is found.
Heterozygote - An organism having two different alleles for a trait.
Homozygote - An organism having two of the same alleles for a trait.
Homologous Chromosomes - Chromosomes having genes for the same kinds of characteristics that pair during meiosis.

Genetics Problem Solving:

In this activity, the class will be divided into groups. Each group will be assigned a  problem to solve and write on the whiteboard. Everyone should follow along with their explanation and write the results down for themselves on a separate sheet of paper. It may help to solve the problems using the following guidelines:

a.       Assign letters (alleles) to the various characteristics.
b.      Determine the phenotype and genotype of each parent and indicate a mating.
c.       Determine all the possible kinds of gametes each parent can produce.
d.      Determine all the possible allele combinations that can result when these gametes combine to form the offspring, using a Punnett square.
e.      Answer the question asked in the question.

Genetics Problems:

1.       For each of the diploid genotypes presented below, determine the genetic make up for all of the possible gametes that would result through the process of meiosis. Remember, each egg or sperm must have one of each letter. That letter can be upper or lower case.

a.       Rr , The genetic gametes would be R.r.

b.      RrYy The genetic gametes would be RY, ry, Ry,rY

c.       rrYy The genetic gametes would be rY, ry.

d.      RrYY The genetic gametes would be RY, rY

2.       For each of the following, state whether the genotype of a diploid or haploid cell is represented.

a.       D , A haploid cell is represented.

b.      GG, A diploid cell is represented.

c.       P, A haploid cell is represented.

d.      Ee, A diploid cell is represented.

3.       Yellow guinea pigs crossed with white ones always produce cream colored offspring. Two cream colored guinea pigs when crossed produced yellow, cream and white offspring in the ratio of l yellow: 2 cream: l white. Explain how are these colors inherited?  No calculations needed! Name the type of inheritance this represents.
Both guinea pigs have two different alleles. It is a polygenic inheritance.

4.       In sheep white is due to a dominant gene (B), black to its recessive allele (b). A white ewe mated to a white ram produces a black lamb. What are the genotypes of the parents? You might need to construct Punnet squares experimenting with different crosses to come up with this answer. Name the type of inheritance this represents.
The only way for the offspring to be black is if each parent has the recessive allele (b), the parents are heterozygous. It is a incomplete dominance inheritance

5.       In peas, yellow color (G) is dominant to green color (g). A heterozygous yellow is crossed with a green. What is the expected phenotype ratio of the offspring? Name the type of inheritance this represents.

The phenotype of the offspring would be 3:1, ¾ would be yellow and ¼ would be green. This type of inheritance is dominant.

6.       White color (Y) is dominant to yellow color (y) in squash. A heterozygous white fruit plant is crossed with a yellow fruit plant. What is the expected phenotype ratio of the offspring? What is this type of inheritance called?

This is also a dominate inheritance and the offspring phenotype would be 3:1, 3 white and 1 yellow.

7.       In certain flowers, a cross between homozygous red and a homozygous white will always result in a pink flower. A cross is made between two pink flowers. What is the predicted phenotype ratio of the colors red, pink and white appearing in the offspring? What is this type of inheritance called.

This is a codominace  inheritance and the phenotype ratio would be 25% red, 25 white and 50% pink.

8.       In humans, the condition for normal blood clotting dominates the condition for non-clotting or hemophilia. Both alleles are linked to the X chromosome. A male hemophiliac marries a woman who is a carrier for this condition. In this respect, a carrier is a woman who has an allele for normal blood clotting and an allele for hemophilia. What are the chances that if they have a male child he will be normal for blood clotting? What is this type of inheritance called?

The inheritance type is called sex linked , there is a 50% chance that the male child will be normal for blood clotting.

9.       A person with an allele for type A blood and type O blood marries someone with an allele for type B blood and type O blood. List the types of offspring they could have and the probability for each blood type in the offspring. (A allele = IA, B allele = IB, O allele = i) What is the expected phenotype ratio of the offspring? What is this type of inheritance called?

The expected phenotype ratio of the offspring would be 1/4 AB, 1/4 would be AO or type A, 1/4 BO or B, ¼ would be OO or O blood type. This type of inheritance is codominance.

10.   Skin color in humans becomes darker by the number of dominant alleles; AABBCC have the darkest skin and aabbcc have the lightest skin. Place these genotypes in sequence according to the color of skin expected for each. Place the darkest skin first. What is this type of inheritance called?

Genotypes: AaBbCc, AAbbcc, aabbCc, AaBBCc, AaBBCC.

The darkest to lightest genotypes in sequence are: AaBBCC, AaBBCc, AaBbCc, AAbbcc, aabbCc

This type of inheritance is polygenic.

Part 1. Flip-a-coin

1.       Thoroughly read Flip-a-coin Lab.
2.       Ideally, the lab is performed with two pretend parents. If you work alone, that is fine; you will represent both parents! All sorts of things are possible today with reproductive technology :-).
3.       It is most important to understand that each "parent" will flip a coin, and the heads or tails on that flip of the coin represents one allele from the egg or sperm. See video here for help understanding how to complete the data sheet, below. Apologies for any background “hum.”
4.       Record your data in the Flip-a-coin Genetics Data Sheet. When it opens, it will might be "Read-only." Save with a new name to another location and then type in your data. Then you will be able to save the changes you make.
5.       When all the coin tossing is finished you created a child!
6.       Sketch your child at age 16, including the characteristics you have determined by flipping the coin.

8.       Attach both the data sheet and a photo or scan of the drawing of your son or daughter to your blog site.

Eyebrows (II) N N NN not connected
Eyebrow color H h Hh same as hair
Eyes distance apart e E eE average distance
Eyes size E e Ee medium
Eyes shape A A AA almond
Eyes slant h h hh upward slant
Eyelashes l L lL long
Eye color abc ABC aAbBcC Hazel
Mouth size m m mm narrow
Lips l l ll thin
Protruding lower lip h h hh absent
Dimples d D dD present
Nose size n N nN average
Nose shape r r rr pointed
Nostril shape r R rR rounded
Earlobe Attachment F F FF free
Freckles on checks f f ff absent
Hair color abcd AbCD aAbbcCdD dark blonde

Sunday, April 5, 2015


The DNA technology I chose is Recombinant DNA Technology; It is a method in which the chosen DNA of one organism (Donor) is introduced to combine with the DNA of another organism termed as recipient organism. The result of it is that, the recipient organism acquires the genetic abilities of the donor. Altering the genome of an organism through introducing genes of interest is termed as gene manipulation or DNA recombinant technology. According to this mechanism has the capability to engineer new organisms, it is termed as genetic engineering. The reason I picked this is because I am Diabetic and found it interesting how they make insulin using recombinant DNA. When they first started making insulin they used animal DNA such as pigs but now it made using human DNA.

 As the illustration below shows the process of recombinant DNA, The DNA of the donor organism and the gene of interest is isolated and cut into fragments through using restriction endoclease. The fragments of the vector DNA and the fragments of the donor DNA are combined into DNA ligase which. Then it becomes the Recombinant DNA (rDNA). The introduction of the rDNA into the E Coli causes a multiplication of rDNA after this it creates multiplication of identical copies of rDNA.

"Recombinant DNA Technology." Recombinant DNA Technology. Web. 5 Apr. 2015. <>.

DNA LAB (online)

Part 1. Your Personal Chromosome

1.       My chromosome was number 6.The  eight genes on my chromosome are:
1. Hemochromatosis is a disorder of iron metabolism wherein the body retains excess iron.  Excess iron is deposited in a variety of organs leading to their failure, and resulting in serious illnesses including cirrhosis, hepatomas, diabetes, cardiomyopathy, arthritis, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.

2. Opioid Receptor Gene encodes the opioid receptor which is the primary site of action for the most commonly used opioids including morphine, heroine and methadone. This receptor is a membrane of the g-protein coupled protein receptor family.

3. Estrogen receptor is a ligand –activated transcription factor composed of several domains important for hormone binding, DNA binding. It is also responsible for alternate splicing results in several ESRI, Mrna transcripts.

4. Connective tissue growth factor: The protein encoded by this gene is a mitogen that is secreted by vascular endothelial cells. The protein plays a role in cell adhesion in many cell types and is related to platelet derived growth factor.

5. Tumor Necrosis Factor is a multifunctional pro inflammatory cytokine secreted mostly by monocytes and macrophages. The primary role of TNF is the regulation of immune cells.

6. Advanced glycosylation end product is an important receptor for the amyloid beta peptide and it increases in Alzheimer’s disease. This protein is increased in neurons close to deposits of amyloid beta peptides and to neurofibrillary tangles.

7. Vascular endothelial growth factor is produced by many cell types including tumor cells, macrophages, Platelets, keratinocytes and renal mesangial cells.  They also play a role in normal physiological functions such as bone formation, wound healing and development.

8. Interlukin is a pro inflammatory cytokine that is secreted primarily by activated T cells and that has been implicated in several inflammatory diseases. It also stimulates a variety of cells to produce inflammatory mediators.

Genes cite source: "DNA Interactive: Discovering the DNA Structure and beyond." DNA Interactive: Discovering the DNA Structure and beyond. Web. 4 Apr. 2015. <>.

Pick one favorite of these eight genes.

1.       I found all the genes that I researched were really interesting. They all play an interesting role in our chromosomes. I did find that the one I seemed to relate to is the estrogen receptor and the different conditions that involve the gene like Breast cancer and artherosclerosis. 

Friday, March 27, 2015


1.       View the digestive system in action
2.       Investigate the action of salivary amylase in yourself
3.       Record information about digestive enzymes and their actions
4.       Answer basic questions about the anatomy and operation of the digestive system
5.       Create a Food Tracker plan for yourself.

Part 1. The Journey of the Digestive System

If you haven’t already, watch "The Journey of the Digestive System” at (5:08).

Part 2. Salivary Amylase and Other Digestive Enzymes

The digestion of a carbohydrate such as starch begins in the mouth where amylase produced by salivary glands is mixed with saliva.  Amylase is also produced by the pancreas and secreted into the duodenum.  In the presence of amylase, starch (a polymer of glucose) is hydrolyzed into the disaccharide maltose (a sweet sugar).  Maltose is later digested in the small intestine to glucose where it is absorbed.  Maltose, glucose, and other monosaccharides are known as reducing sugars. 

This can be demonstrated in a simple taste test.

1.       Place a crushed, salt free cracker or a small piece of bread or tortilla on the surface your tongue.  If salivary amylase breaks down the starch in the cracker to maltose, it should begin to taste sweet.

2.       Record the amount of time it takes to begin to sense a sweet taste instead of a starchy taste.

TIME: 1 min 15 seconds: it took me twice to taste the sweet, the first time it just got mushy so the second time I put it further back on my tongue and was able to taste the sweet.


Complete this chart.

Enzyme                                                  Producing Organ                     Site of Action                          Substrate(s)
Salivary amylase
Salivary Glands
Small Intestine
Small Intestine


1.       Name the end molecules of digestion for each of the following types of food. In other words, what smaller pieces is each hydrolyzed into to be made available to the body?

a.       Proteins: The end molecule of proteins is Amino Acids.

b.      Carbohydrates: The end molecule of carbohydrates is monosaccharides.

c.       Fats: The end molecule of fats is chylomicrons.

2.       Describe the process by which fats enter the blood.  Bile salts emulsify lipids large fat droplets into smaller droplets so that lipases can digest the fats into fatty acids and monoglycerides. The fatty acids and monoglycerides dissolve in micelles composed of bile salts and lecithin. Micelles near the cells surface release their fatty acids and monoglcerides, which then diffuse across the cell membrane. In the cell the fatty acids and monoglycerides are re-synthesized to triglycerides and coated protein. The protein-coated yriglycerides are called chylomicrons. The chylomicrons exit the cell and enter a lacteal for transport to the blood. (Human Biology Concepts and current issues)

Part 3. Food Tracker

Visit this site choose one of the six options on the homepage, Food-a-pedia, Food Tracker, Physical Activity Tracker, My Weight Manager, My Top 5 Goals, or My Recipe.

Participate in the activity and write a one paragraph description of what you did and your opinion of the activity.

I chose my weight manager as my activity.  I picked the maintain weight category to help me keep my weight as it is. After entering my information it gave me a routine of exercise and calories I should have on a daily basis.  I found it was interesting that I do not even eat close to the calories it showed I should be eating on a daily basis to maintain my weight. It also showed me the amount of food I should have per food category. I think this is a great tool for anyone who is looking at losing weight or just maintaining their weight.